Sunday, October 04, 2009

Marche 30 2009

There will be sorrow
My spirit groans to know
To know
Fire from heaven
Burn us
Drink our blood
It is poisoned
I am faced with the darkness
Darkness is terror
Terror black
Like the heart in me
Like ink that bleeds
Bleeds from my veins

Father, can you hear me?
I am afraid
The power of the night
Invades my heart
How much more
Your radiance explodes
In righteous rage
In power like the hot sun
In power like the crashing waves
In power like the piercing stars
In power like the mountain fixed
How much more
Does your love burn through
Break the chains of this
Deceiving, complacent, proud,
Judgmental, dying, forgetful,
Philandering, callous, untrue

Give me your blood to drink
Am I a parasite?
Then let me be a parasite to You
Let me be the dog under your table
Only let me eat and drink of You
If I do not, I will die
You brought me to your table
My hands
Are bound in wounds
My feet
Cannot stand
My throat is parched
My eyes are blind
The air paralyzes my lungs
But still you carry me
You held me close to your chest
And I knew
I knew what it was
To face the ugly
To face the unclean
To face the suffering
To face the weakness
And insufficiency
That I am.


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